Monday, January 12, 2009


Concert last night was wonderful.... I'm tired but good.  Went to church to do announcements for Sunday School and had a very sweet worship with the kids led by Sam.  Then second service enjoyed Dennis lay-it-out.  A Place to Stand is our series we are in right now and it is a shot to the face every time.  
"Give me a  place to stand and I will move the world"
- Archimedes
The sermon started out with the quote.... Idk if it affects you at all.... But it should.
Why waste a gift....if you are given something and do nothing.... you suck.

John 11:25
-without resurrection, Jesus is no different than any prophet.
how can I say that?  because it's true..... you tell me on other prophet or "god" who as risen from the dead and I'll take my statement down.  (better get used to my comments)

People try all the time to say that what I believe is made up.  If it is made up, then why would people be:
and slaughtered
for a lie?!?

People who believe Jesus was a prophet after all of that.....
How about the odds of fulfilling prophesy.
 the probability of fulfilling 8 prophesies in one lifetime is 1x10^17  -or-  
100,000,000,000,000,000     (i think)  
get this:  Jesus fulfilled 8!  sweet right!!! all on the day he 21 more!!!  thats a blowout in preparation to the above-average average.  but also 300+ in his lifetime.  If you doubt now, you must have had a bucket of bricks dropped on your head....multiple times.  (i dont mean to sound rude.  im a nice guy.  feel free to talk to me about anything you have questions about.)

During the sermon God was messin with me.  My brother is in serious hurt right now and could use any prayer you have.  I received a text message from him asking for prayer and he doesn't do that.  I thought I was at a place of full surrender.  Guess again.  Kolby is the only thing standing in my way.  I worry about him.  not supposed to worry.  It's ok to care....but to let it consume me.... can't happen.  At the end of the service there was a call for anyone wrestling with stuff standing in the way to come forward and pray....I broke.  Dennis lifted me and my bro up in prayer and it was such a relief to hear the words he spoke. 

The Other service was a great finish to the day.  Third time of the day that a room I was in was filled with amazing worship to God.  Kurt spoke it at Other.  If the enemy were to say "bring it".....Kurt replied with "it's been brought!"    The man preached it.  People were moved.... he delivered spiritual low blows to many, makin them rethink things.  Powerful night.   The room was filled with voices singing praise to God.  I haven't heard a group of young adults sing like that before.  AMAZING.  

"How much do you have to hate someone not to tell them about Jesus?"

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