Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"Do This"

I just finished reading Jesus Wants to Save Christians by Rob Bell and Dn Golden.  In the end the Last Supper is brought up.  We "Do This" in remembrance of Christ by taking part in the "ritual" of breaking bread and drinking the wine.  But the book asks, what if the "do this" isn't the taking part in the ritual?
     "Do This"
What if the "do this" was living out a life like Jesus?  Allowing our bodies to be broken and willing to let our blood flow.  Hearing the cry.  Love.  What if we "do this" in remembrance?   
Seems a little more meaningful and productive than the "ritual".  There is nothing wrong with the taking part of the bread and wine.  In fact, people become extremely close to God when taking part.  But do we have it all wrong?  
Just a thought.

A missionary came to church on Sunday and talked about his life in Africa.  A-M-A-Z-ing.  If I could ever get close to being William, that is what I would aim for.   WIlliam was a young man who showed extreme love, endurance, faith, perseverance, and compassion.  Relationships are key.  They are number one.  With God and others.  KEY.  and how do you build relationships?  LOVE
God is truly amazing.  have a wonderful day.
God Bless.

Monday, February 16, 2009


So, it has been much nicer since I stopped doing the blog daily.  Now I have time to actually read my Bible and do what I need to do.  I have been wrestlin with some stuff lately.  I need to continue to trust God.  He has been weighing on my heart to Trust Him with everything, (not that I haven't been, but what does everything include?  stupid question, He means EVERYTHING.) not make plans, but rather, let the Lord guide my steps and set-up what He wants me to do.  I WANT to do everything/anything He wants.  My heart is called to do the work of the Lord.  Whether it scares me or not. I am willing to do what it takes.  I had a wonderful weekend writing music and attempting to record with Allison.  So good to see someone from my home town. (yes yes, home town is Springfield but thats ok, Eugene and Springfield are one....Springgene.)  Learned a lot about myself and others.  Opened up musically and met some talented people. Headed to a Dirt meeting which I am super stoked about.  Have a wonderful day all.  Love you.  Be safe in the crazy weather.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wrecked. Love. Torn.

So I have come to a conclusion.
I will no longer post a blog a day.
It is hard for me to do, but tonight at Core group with Kurt, it hit me.  It is important that I stop, it is more harmful than good.
I have been making sure that I keep updated every day....(part of my whole "one a day" new years resolutions)  don't think im flakin like everyone else does on their commitments....or do, I don't care.  
I have neglected reading my Bible and spending time with God to make sure that I have kept caught up with my blog.  An online site where I write whatever I want for a small group of people to read. So really, it is NOT important.  I have not made sure I have kept up on my QT or went back to make sure I did the days I missed...WHY  the Bible is so great and filled with great stuff.  God's word!!  How could I have gotten so mixed up?!?!
The idea of trust and worry has been placed on my heart lately.  Trust God.  He's the God of the universe, of all things, what can't He do?  Nothing.  
In Core we talked about second chances, crazy stories, crazy people, God's power, Christian influence..... I heard a story about a missionary who didn't trust God to keep him and his family safe in the location they were serving.  The rattle snakes were all over and might get one of his three boys or his wife.  He didn't trust where God had called him, so he moved to the safety of nowhere Kansas.  
One day, his boys were crawling under the house and exploring when the two older boys fell in a rattle snake nest and were bitten all over.  The younger, and the two bitten crawled out.  Their father threw the bitten boys in the truck. Backed out and ran over the littlest, killing him.  The two older boys died at the hospital.  The father came home to find his wife had died of a heart attack from the shock of seeing her youngest in the driveway.  He lost his whole family because he didn't trust that God would keep him safe where he had been called.  That's a true story.  Not trying to scare you, but God is a powerful God.  Why don't we trust Him?
We talked about holding on to Jesus with two hands.....not one on Him and one on the earthly possession or passion in our life.  We will ultimately be torn away from Jesus if we can't let go of the other things.  He should come first.  
I say I live for Christ...but how much of my living days do I spend with Him?  Shawn talked in Sunday school about our days broken into one year and how many straight days we do the things we do.  Sleep consumed a lot of our days....makes sense.  Movies, internet, video games consumed a huge amount as well.   some 30 days.   QT/Church/Youth group = 5 ish.  WOW  some "living for Christ" huh.  Lately I have felt extremely lukewarm.
LUKEWARM = wanting to be saved from the penalty of our sin, but NOT wanting to be saved from sin.  

HOW could I let myself get to this point?!?!  It's jsut a way im feeling.....but tonight, that changes.  I WILL be different.  I WILL offend people.  I WILL stand up for what's right.  I WILL risk my reputation.  I WILL set down my pride. 

Feel free to call me out on any of this.  The Lord has put it on my heart to change.  
An interesting point was made tonight and I fully agree;
calling people out on cussing and getting upset is not something to make a big deal about.  I most likely will say "hey, come on now" but end it there.  Just so I don't let a kid go on without somewhere getting a sense of what manners are.  But I will not lecture.  If a kid gains good morals....SWEET.   But if a kid does not: lie, cheat, steal, cuss, murder anyone, rape, fight or do anything bad; but doesn't know Jesus, he is STILL going to Hell.   hmmm...sounds like ethics and morals aren't something to lose a kids respect over.  Don't get me wrong, we can't let kids run around being little punks, but I would rather LOVE on a kid the best I can and get him to Jesus than "whip him into shape".  Even "kids in shape" will end up in Hell without Jesus.

Just tonights crazy wrecking of my old self.  I go to bed new and wake up refreshed.  goodnight all.
I love.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Search Continues...

I went to crash this morning which didn't really happen.... Shawn got called to a potential fire.   Fun to jsut hang out though, but so early. 
I need a job pretty bad.  I need to support my kid in Haiti.  Pray for him.  His name is Jean-vilaire Pierre.  Cutest kid ever!!!
I went all over town to get apps and get rejection.... love it.  *note sarcasim
Big Lots gave me an interview (everyone who went in got one) but it was a bit of fresh air to make some sort of progress.  Also got some more apps with some slight sense of interest in the handing of the papers.... its unexplainable.  Really, it is.  :)   well.....  Axiom now, then dinner.  maybe a little Extreme Days action after with Derrik.   should be fun.  have a wonderful day.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Coterie!!!! woah that's sick!!!

Today I was hit with an overwhelming feeling.... God was testing the "rollin with it theory" and I failed.   Let things freak me out for about a half our.  I'm good now.  

Check out thenaz.net.

Out to Coterie.  Bye

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Other..... Stoked!!!

It is a good day.  
Woke up for church.
Hung with the kids in Sunday School. (never a dull moment when Shawn is there.)
(the jerk challenged me to step back and look at how much I "really live my life for Christ".)
It was a stinger.
Church was good as well.  Totally thought I would check out...(it was about marriage) But I didn't.
(and for all you who are like, "ooo hes thinking about marriage!!"  shut up, if a rumor starts, blood will flow.  ;)  I just had a peace about me and it was nice to listen)  God revealed to me that He has everything under control and I don't need to worry about what happens.  Just roll with the days as they come.
Funny, cuz He tells us to do that anyway.  Not worrying about what we will eat, or wear.  To worry is to deny the fact that you trust Him to keep getting your back.

Other was the same.  Great time of worship.  I was dancing on the drumset.  So enthused by God....couldn't help it....my expression.   Andrew Reed talked tonight and it was really good.  All about worry.  Who'd a thunk!!!  God is hilarious how he works.
"Why do we freak out, when there is a storm, Jesus is just takin a nap.  Be calm and don't wake Him up.  Trust Him."

try again.....

that's my thoughts for the day.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Funeral For a Friend!!!

Going to a concert tonight!!!  Woke up not feeling that great tho so I have spent it laying around today.  Yesterday was quite the day.  Went to LP for their Homecoming skits....they were very good I might add.  I got to see Jordan (Snow White), Jesse (tree), Kristina (skunk), Carlene (skunk), Kaitlyn (1 of 7 dwarfs), and many others.  So cute, so fun.  Jordan ended up winning!!!!  Congrats!!!  Ill see if i can't get some pick.  Should be a fun show tonight.  Axiom up late was quite fun.  A bit of interesting events took place beforehand and during, but overall great night.  Shawn burnt my senses in my nose.  Off to the concert.  Love you all.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Axiom all Day.

Today we are going to do Axiom Up Late.  It's the playday for the month of January.  
I will be at Axiom from 2 pm until 12 am.  Long day.
Still gettin over bein sick.  
Miss my friends and family.  And I miss my bro.

Let you know how the night goes  tomorrow.

night all.  ill be up late
then bed.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sick pt 2

Still sick.
Staff meeting.
Not moving.

leave some love. 

God bless.  Prayin for many.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sick pt 1

I'm sick...don't wanna do anything.

Headed to axiom.
then core group.
then sleep.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Un Eventful.

Not a lot happened today... 
  Crash = Good
Dirt mtg = good
Axiom = Good
Hanging =fun
Got sick

Monday, February 2, 2009

Abraham and Sacrifice

Tonight I talked at the Coterie.
The Jr. High youth group.  It was a pretty wild night.  lots was going on and it took me quite a bit of time to get everything set up.
My talk was about Abraham and Isaac.   
Sacrifice was key.
Being willing to lay out for God and take a beating.  
Sacrificing comfort to do what is right.
Think about it.   How often do we do what is right?
How often are we scared?
How often does our reputation get in the way?

How often do we not believe God wont provide and keep us safe?

think about it.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Love. It's everything.

Today was quite the day.  
Sunday school was fun.  Shawn and I had a great time with announcements and with the events that took place during class.  
Church was so great.  
-Unfinished Business
Dennis talked about the promise of a "new earth" for believers.  
Such a great concept.....moved fast because to fit all of this into one message....wild.
LOVE.  again....love came up.  
"... faith, hope and love.  But the greatest of these is love."
Is love key?  Yes!!   Just read all of 1 Corinthians 13   all about love, and without it....have nothing.

Other practice was good.  Fun.  

Super Bowl Party at the Hayse house.  It was fun. funny commercials.
Steelers won!!  I was the lone rider in the party.  For good reason, but it was fun.
Have a great night all.   

Oh...I need to make it a point to show my love for others better.  If I am not acting in a loving way.  CALL ME OUT.  
thanks  tyler