Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New Person.

Ok, this is going to be a long post.

I don't know where to start.

So yesterday I went to Axiom and laid face-down in prayer  God.  I found myself waking up (not that I was sleeping but opening my eye) having a dream or vision.  Not sure what it was.  

An old man slowly walked toward a figure on a road.
It was a dirt road and the figure on the ground had a blurry face.
As the old man approached, he opened his hand and 
extended a golden earring to the figure.  He pierced 
the right ear of the man and picked him up.  Then the old man
turned and walked away.

What was this?!?!  
I was reading in Genesis and Jacob had a vision in a dream.  He woke up in fear.   He knew.  
Why were the dreams I was having fading and meaning nothing?
This one didn't fade..... I can still describe it.  I want to know.....
Kurt showed me the lyrics from Brave Saint Saturn song and it made me think... the song is Under Bridges.  Check it out.
So I talked about Jonathan and the Arms-bearer takin it to the Philistines last night and it was good.  Had fun in front of the kids and was pumped about preachin it.  I have a great sense of peace about me today and finally had a great night.
I was talkin with Kurt about the book Crazy Love and how intense it is.  A few things that are said in the book hit me hard.  
We are impressed and focus on numbers in churches.  When a big crowed gathered, Jesus would talk in parables so that those who weren't genuinely after His heart wouldn't understand.  
Jesus wasn't into those who fake it.......true?
What about the parable about the seeds on the road/thorns/rocks/good soil.....Don't assume you're good soil!!
yet another shot to the spiritual pride....
Let that stir.

nice to have a clean apt.


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