Last night I was super exhausted and did not write a lot of my thoughts. Didn't even post til today. So yesterday first.
*God cannot be proved.
*Nothing in life is certain
(argument works both ways)
*Willingness to give up control controls
our ability to find faith in
The new series is :

Dennis really laid it out for the first week of the series. He hit a lot of points and thoughts that I have been thinking myself.
-God does exist, but I can't produce him.
Talkin about how people don't believe in God because He is not a tangible object. It's an atheist viewpoint. Because I can't see him, he doesn't exist.
makes sense right?
Nothing in life is certain. and yes i said it goes both ways. How bout something like atoms? You can't see them but you know they are there and make up everything. Or plasma. (the next Dirt topic)
I appreciate how free this country is, but when it comes to diversity and truth there is a problem.
When did we become so lame that someone stating a truth or even an opinion is considered hate.?!
Dennis said something about the time coming upon us when stating truth will lead to hate. Don't quote him on that. I don't remember it exactly but I feel our country's people have become way too soft.
"the issue of truth is a preference..."
That is sad. Dennis comes prepared to throw down.... I want that.
Today I read in Genesis, Psalm, and Proverbs. (note it's not Psalms)
Youversion lays it out so things can line up and make sense. It is a really good way to read and keep interest.
Genesis 9 + 10
*God says not to kill man
vs 11 *"Never again will all life be cut off
by the waters of a flood; never again
will there be a flood to destroy the
Not really sure why I noted the first one. Maybe curious about the stance I, as a Christ follower, am supposed to take. Not sure.
The promise to Noah and humanity about the flood really intrigues me. It is sad that the homosexual society has taken the rainbow as their sign, it is so much more. (note: I love people, gay or straight. you can ask my stance some other time. contact info at bottom of page) The rainbow is a sign of exactly what God said. Never again shall the earth be wiped out by floods. I was very curious around the time when people were all about Al Gore and global warming, about their thoughts on snow melting. If they think that the melting of the poles will lead to a Waterworld? (thats a movie) Does the Bible not explain that outcome well enough?
Psalm 11
*the LORD examines the righteous.
All I know is, I would rather be on the examining end, no matter the embarrassment, than the wicked and receive the hate of His soul.
Matthew 7
*do not judge, or you too will be judged.
*ASK and it will be given to you, SEEK and you will find, KNOCK and the door will be opened for you.
*Golden Rule
*watch out for false prophets
*don't live falsely
*foundation is key
Cost of Following Christ:
-No place to rest head. ?
-Follow me and let the dead bury their dead.
Alright..... Challenging stuff. Not certain about it all and would love feedback and answers from those who know. Judging people seems easy enough not to do.....Wrong.... I find myself (ill be the first to admit) judging without even trying to. It's something I have done too much for so long. Call me out. Love the Golden Rule and try to live it.... man if it was 100% accurate, instead of how you would like people to treat you, this world would be different.
False seemed to come out a few times in this chapter. False prophets.... we have plenty and don't live falsely....hmmm. Check.
The next point helped me sum that up, building relationship and life on a solid foundation will help keep you going and growing.
* You of little faith, why are you so afraid?
He knows the answer.... the men on the boat were fearful for their lives and the storm thrashed..... taken out of the story and into today...
Why ARE we afraid? Is God not good?
Is He not God?
It wont be easy, and sugar coating it will only hurt people later on. Everything is NOT perfect and easy once you decide to follow. It IS better. He has your back. Why are you afraid?
Have a wonderful day. God Bless.
-Tyler Schnelli
2 Thessalonians 3:13 [....never tire of doing what is right.]
1 comment:
"It wont be easy, and sugar coating it will only hurt people later on."
This is something that I try to live my life by. If you sugar coat everything in life, and something bad does finally happen (trust me, something bad always happens) you are absolutely crushed.
If you look at life realistically and have your feet firmly attached to the ground and your head not too far into the clouds, you are usually pretty safe.
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