Friday, January 2, 2009


So it's January second.  
I don't know what to say....
My yearly reading of the Bible is done and I feel like a dog who has caught the car....What do I do now?  By no means am I saying that I read the Bible and now I'm all knowing, I am not sure whether to read the Bible through again or find a good devotional.  I don't really know what to do.  If you have a good devotional, let me know.  
Until then I shall read through the Genesis this week.


-The men in Genesis were soooo old. I would not want to be alive on this earth that long.

Not a lot to write about today, I read about the lineage and how old the men of Genesis were.  But I am surprised at why they would have lived so much longer.  I have heard people talk about how the aging has changed but I don't remember it.  Please inform me.  Email me @    thank you.
Noah..... woah, building a football stadium with my bare hands and only having ancient tools?  uh........NO!  Why would someone ever do that?  I think that his devotion to God must have been so strong to endure the criticism, the hate, the tiredness, and the scale for the seemingly ridiculous project.  Definitely a man to study and live by  Have a wonderful day all.  Thanks for reading.

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