Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"Do This"

I just finished reading Jesus Wants to Save Christians by Rob Bell and Dn Golden.  In the end the Last Supper is brought up.  We "Do This" in remembrance of Christ by taking part in the "ritual" of breaking bread and drinking the wine.  But the book asks, what if the "do this" isn't the taking part in the ritual?
     "Do This"
What if the "do this" was living out a life like Jesus?  Allowing our bodies to be broken and willing to let our blood flow.  Hearing the cry.  Love.  What if we "do this" in remembrance?   
Seems a little more meaningful and productive than the "ritual".  There is nothing wrong with the taking part of the bread and wine.  In fact, people become extremely close to God when taking part.  But do we have it all wrong?  
Just a thought.

A missionary came to church on Sunday and talked about his life in Africa.  A-M-A-Z-ing.  If I could ever get close to being William, that is what I would aim for.   WIlliam was a young man who showed extreme love, endurance, faith, perseverance, and compassion.  Relationships are key.  They are number one.  With God and others.  KEY.  and how do you build relationships?  LOVE
God is truly amazing.  have a wonderful day.
God Bless.

1 comment:

Papa Schnelli said...

Tyler, It was heartwarming to have you "around" the past couple of days, thanks for coming home for spring break, glad you got to hang with Kolby and some buds too.
This "Do this" post is quite thought-provoking, I never heard that concept before, but makes great sense and impacts my head and heart. Thanks for the insight. I will be mentioning it to my men's group too.