Saturday, December 20, 2008

Faith. Love. Discipline. pt2

Back to Hebrews 12.  I was up way too late and couldn't finish my thoughts.  

Hebrews 12
    -Endure hardships as discipline
*Discipline isn't pleasant @ the time, but growth takes place.
*Live in peace.   or make the effort.
  -I am trembling with fear-   Moses.

Ok.... I found myself really enjoying this chapter for I needed encouragement.  Everyone does.... just the constant beat of life, whether it's bad or just life, we need it.  Having the Bible show me that enduring hardships as being a "right of passage" if you will was a great look.  God is treating us like sons.  (which we are)  What son does not gain discipline from his father?  It was good to know, and see changes taking place from putting a discipline to my study of God's word.  The father/son image really was great and helped a lot.
Interestingly enough, despite many uplifting words and thoughts, my day was filled with The Jitters.  I was letting something get to me and was worrying.  Why?  God has got my back.  He promises that.  So, I stumbled...(on purpose I'm sure) across vs. 14.   Talking about living everyday in peace with men and being holy.  That's funny.  I was worried about peace.  God is truly and amazing God.

Hebrews 13
*Keep loving as a brother.
*Entertain strangers
   - ....for by so, some may have entertained angels and not known....
  -marriage honored by all
  -sexually pure
  -be content
God said:
                        "Never will I leave you, 
  Never will I forsake you."
*What can man do to me?

Love never gets old.  It keeps popping up like that little gopher that ruins your moms yard.  It's so encouraging to know that we are called to love.  Love.  how hard can it be?  It is one thing we are asked to do, but to love others can be so hard.  Obviously we love our friends and most of our family ;)   but the losers?  the outcasts? the nobodies?  thats tough.... I am daily reminded to love people just to show Jesus.
The part about entertaining strangers...that gets me.  I have had those chain letters pass by that talk about the homeless man who wanted food and the people passing provided and we blessed with even more than they could imagine.... but truly...I think about it all the time.  I don't do what I do for sake that it might be an angel.  But the little voice in my head always returns giving me wonders about who that person was and why God placed them there for me to pass.  Just a thought.
Briefly, the honoring marriage and staying sexually pure..... wooo!!!! sounds good.   I feel like our world is beyond crazy when it comes to degrading people as objects.  Do we give up because we think there is nothing left?   God said:  Never will I leave you, Never will I forsake you."   Lets remember that.  So so SO reassuring and great.  
What can man do to me?         GREAT question!!!  we are so worried about what people think that we are afraid to stand up for our morals and our beliefs.   Our FAITH!     

Have a wonderful day.  Smile at someone.  God Bless.


Papa Schnelli said...

Discipline--Disciple, requiring His-control, not self-control. I've fallen away from this goal myself, so your post is an excellent reminder. Then I find myself as you recently mentioned "Knowing the right thing to do and not doing it..", like not getting home in time to help Mom prepare the house for Kolby's party, i.e. giving up my own agenda is tough! In the end, it's hearing the Holy Spirit, then listening, then following. If I think in terms of Follower rather than Obeyer, I'm more excited to see where we are going together (on another "mission"!), rather than what I am being pulled away from.

Today Brian King is teaching as our new lead shepherd. I'm excited for Harvest. I like what I think is coming for that church.

I think Shasta will be open for you and Kolby to plow through on your way home. I'll give him some money for the roadtrip.

I wonder if we can squeeze in a Willamette Pass snow day while you are here, maybe take a couple of cars and some friends?!

Tyler Schnelli said...

Ya, my QTs have been good. Hoping to have Kolby come to the Coterie when I do a talk about Esther and how God uses average people to do awesome things. How young isn't a factor with God.

Today I am worshiping the Lord with my drumming in front of everyone. Wow. So much fun but nerves are high.

Miss you. See you soon.