This year has been quite different from the past:
*Shopping as a family
*shopping with friends
*enjoying the mall and craziness
*setting up decorations
*Christmas parties
This year, I have been having trouble with money and was unable to
get gifts that would be meaningful for everyone. ( I love giving gifts. It's a love language) Being unable to give was hard for me.... part of it was getting past the consumeristic part of Christmas and remembering the reason for CHRISTmas. CHRIST. Coming to this earth to take the punishment and die for us. He was born into dirt. Lower than any one of us. Wrapped in cloth..... But

after this I felt like Christmas wasn't the same. As if the image of Christmas given by the world was what made Christmas joyful.
What was wrong?
As we sat down to eat breakfast..... a bit bummed out.... I realized that today was not for us. We have made it about us. others. presents.
what about
A friend told me that I shouldn't feel bad about not having anything to give, just being in town and hangin out was good enough. Could this be true?
If we spend time with one another more often, I mean true intimate time, and actually cared about how they were doing, would we feel like we need to give gifts?
Our relationships should be more like Trinitarian relationships and not transactional. (Rob Bell) Meaning, we don't keep score. LOVE.
By the time I was in the recliner and my bro was opening a present and the smiles and laughter started, it hit me. Family, friends, presents, trees, santa, food.... how bout LOVE lets practice what Jesus preached. We have it so well off and still seem to worry about things that shouldn't matter a whole lot.
I want whoever reads this to know that I will try my hardest to love you. whoever you are. some might say: "now tyler, that isn't possible, you can't love everyone." (said in my signature mocking voice) No, shut up!! I never said I would succeed, just TRY my hardest. That's all I can do, and I WILL try. I wish you all a Merry CHRISTmas and a Happy New Year from my family to yours. God Bless you all. Smile.