Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Searching.

I have been job searching all week and even a while before that.  i have made resumes and filled out a few apps.  Nothin.  So I got some odd job opportunities and jumped.  Weeding and yard work isn't the greatest but food is good.  Let me just say that the job market here in Oroville is comparable to jumping into the ring with Tyson and a gang of leprechauns.  Right when you tackle the big obstacle... little ones jump all over you.  But no worries....I have seen God provide.  And life is still good.  I dont need money to be happy.  But please do continue to pray for me and the others that spend our time workin for God's glory.  I'm not the only one out there hunting and struggling.  Thanks guys.  God Bless.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Election IMPORTANT to READ!!!

Ok, so the election '08 is over and our new president is Barack Obama.  I did not vote, so i do not have a place to express displeasure.  I would have voted McCain, but Obama has not done anything yet....why judge.  We are called to a different standard of living, God has everything under control.  1 Peter 2:13-19 states it so perfectly.  

Submit yourselves fot the Lord's sake to every authority instituded among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.  For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men.  Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God.  Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king.  Slaves, submit to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh.  For it is commendable if a man bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because he is conscious of God.

Why can't we all see this verse?   It was brought to my attention by a smart man whom I work with at the church.  Kurt Libby.  I am so blessed to be where I am in these uncertain times.  I am learning so much and God's glory, awesomeness, and love.  So instead of bashin.....lift up in prayer.  
God Bless
Tyler Schnelli

Wow!!! so awesome!!!

       Ok, I'm gonna catch up real fast so bare with me.  So Sunday we had another Other service and it was truly amazing.  All candle lit and christmas lights, to really set the mood.  The songs were al acoustic and in the cafe area of Axiom.  We sang very mellow songs and the presence of the Lord was very strong.  I talked that night about surrender and what it truly means to give everything to God.  After talking, Kurt sang Blessed Be Your Name and How He Loves Us, and I just broke.  I found myself in my chair weeping.... I am a broken person.  We all are.  I let it all go, it is no longer up to me.  My life is what God will do with it.  By the end of worship, i was on my knees....wrote on a piece of paper everything that I dont want on my chest...I gave it all up to the Lord.....Total Surrender!  Met with Kurt the next day, and received great words of advice to help set my mind on the surrendering mode.  The week has been going great and life is good.  I went to The Father's House for their Wednesday night service and found myself wondering during the worship if I hat "it".  "It", is whether i feel like God was present with me.  I wasn't dancing and lifting my arms....why.  I couldnt move.  Dont know why....just couldnt.  After the service was over ( which was great I might add ) they offered us four choices: leave, receive Jesus, get healing, or receive a Prophetic word.  I had no clue what the last one was.  Twila....the girl that took me...leaning over, I asked her what it was and received the most intelligent words of wisdom in a long time.  "It's like a free present...."   [It's called a PRESENT because it is FREE] little side note.   I walked up to one of the interns who was speaking the words..... His name is Nolan.  He stood there and hands were fidgity.... what to do, do I talk?   He then looked up at me and said some stuff that ran up my spine like a bolt of lightning.  
        Nolan said, " I am getting a feeling of full surrender on you.... it is a powerful thing."   then along the lines of shocking me he said, "...during worship.... your face was showing true worship.  You had it. and i see great things happening... you are a leader and when you talk, people listen.  Great things will happen."   "IT"   I had it!!  made my night.  God is so Good.  It was just what i needed to hear.  So Great.
       I am running so low on money right now and just gave money to my child in Haiti through Compassion.  He needs it more.  god will provide.....just hasn't provided a job yet...but still looking.  Keep mee in your prayers please.  Love you all.  thank you.
                                                -Tyler Schnelli