Monday, June 1, 2009

Help Me Out.

I have spent my morning registering for classes at Butte College here in Oroville. I got some good classes for Business Management. I am also going to register for Lane.... see what classes are available. What should I do? I love the Church, the people, the community.... Love it here. I love it back home too. I guess I am just looking for input. Tough decisions. Thanks Guys.

God Bless


Brady Hyde said...

Freakin come home! Let's rock.

Anonymous said...

go where your heart tells you and where God guides you.... as long as it leads you back to eugene.

Kurt Libby said...

i would tell you to follow your heart, but i'm not going to. that's dumb. you should seriously move to oklahoma. i hear the wave in wheat sure smells sweet when the wind come right behind the rain out there. what? you don't want to move to oklahoma. then you should move back to oroville. phew. that was close.

Papa Schnelli said...

Tyler, you have grown immensely during your year in Oroville. I credit the members of the church there for their influence, love, and encouragement. Of course I personally would love to have you come home, and I know you miss everybody here desperately. But after a nice long (month?) visit, I think you will find your spirit pulling you to where you will be used by Him, because that will be your true calling and inner satisfaction. Come explore those possibilities in Eug/Spfld, look for a church you can pour yourself into, and see if you can find a focus for schooling. But if it turns out that you stay there in Cali for your pursuit, I don't think that would be a mistake. One of the beautiful things about a personal relationship with Christ is that He will lead you, even in the midst of your personal but Godly (God mindful) choice.

Twila said...

The obvious choice for me is to be selfish and tell you to stay here but I am going to try to not do that.

Pray about where God wants to use you. At the end of the day the decision is yours and you have to be confident its the right one.

We love you here but know home is special and God might want you back there.

Either if you stay or go we were so blessed to have you for as long as we did. You are amazing Ty!

Love you...