Sunday, June 22, 2008


So I just got back from a tour with Sleep For Sleepers and it was the most fun I've had in a long time.  I want to spend my days to come touring.  The guys in the band are truly amazing and talented.  The are going to go somewhere for sure.  I love you guys.  Well, I'm packing right now to go to Portland to catch a plane with Andy Barlow to go to Indiana and Illinois.  From there I am trying to get to Nashville to maybe audition with a band on Gottee records called Our Heart's Hero.  We shall see what happens.  Then I'm around for Creation and workin my little fingers to the bone.  From there I will move to Cali where this blog will come in handy for you all to see my progress.  I will further update this later.  Thank you and take care.
God Bless